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Version: 4.0.0

Variant handlers directory


Here you have listed the official Variant Handlers included in the Mocks Server main distribution.

  • json: Defines a JSON body and the status code to be sent when the route is requested.
  • text: Defines a text body and the status code to be sent when the route is requested.
  • status: Defines a status code to be sent without body when the route is requested.
  • middleware: Defines an Express middleware to be executed when the request is received. It is completely on your hand to send a response, or to pass the request to the next route, etc.
  • static: Defines a folder from which to serve static assets.
  • file: Defines a file to transfer when the route is requested.
  • proxy: Defines a host to proxy the request when it is received. You can modify the request and/or the response also.



If you have published your own Variant Handler, please modify this page in order to add it, so other users can also take advantage of it 🙂!