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Version: 4.0.0

Creating variant handlers


In the previous chapters we figured out what a Variant Handler is, and how to install it. Now we are going to learn how to create them, so you can add your own features to Mocks Server easily 🙂.

A Variant Handler basically consists on a JavaScript Class which receives the variant options in the constructor method, and which must contain a middleware method or a router getter.

In the first case, the middleware method receives the same parameters than an Express middleware, and it will be executed whenever the route is requested.

In the second case, the router returned must be a valid Express router, which will be mounted on the route url. So, basically, variants of this type will produce to ignore the method defined in the route, and they will be at charge of handling requests to all HTTP methods and subpaths of the route url. That is the case of the static variant handler, for example.


A Variant Handler must be defined as a Class containing:

static get id()

This static getter will be used to recognize the Routes Handler. When defining a route variant, the handler to be used is defined using the type property. That property in the route variant must be equal to the id of the Variant Handler to be used.

static get validationSchema()

This static getter must return a JSON schema defining the specific options required by the handler. It will be used by the core to validate the route variants of this type. ajv is used under the hood to perform validations. Take into account next points when defining the json schema:

  • You must only define those properties defined in the options property of the variant definition.
  • Mocks Server supports a special JSON schema keyword named instanceof. You can use it to indicate that a property must be an instance of a Function, or a RegExp for example.

constructor(options, core)

  • options: All properties in the options property of the route variant.
  • core: The core instance, but with some methods specifically scoped for each route variant, such as core.logger and core.alerts, which are namespaced using each route variant id. So, logs or alerts from each different route variant can be easily identified.

middleware(req, res, next)

When defined, this is the Express middleware that will be called when the route url is requested with any of the route methods.

get router()

When defined, it must return a valid Express router, which will be mounted on the route url. Note that this will produce to ignore the method defined in the route, and the returned router will be at charge of handling requests to all HTTP methods and subpaths of the route url.

get preview()

This getter has to return a plain object containing an approached preview of the response that will be sent when the route variant is used. This is useful to provide information to other plugins or Mocks Server integration tools. If you have not enough information to predict the response, then you should return null (this is the case of the middleware Variant Handler, for example, because it is not possible to predict the response without executing it).


In the next example we are going to see how to create a custom Variant Handler that would receive code and message options. It would send an HTTP error response based on those options whenever the route is executed.

class ErrorResponseHandler {
static get id() {
return "error";

static get validationSchema() {
return {
type: "object",
properties: {
code: {
type: "number",
message: {
type: "string",
required: ["code", "message"],
additionalProperties: false,

constructor(options, core) {
this._code = options.code;
this._message = options.message;
this._core = core;

middleware(req, res, next) {
// Next log automatically includes the route variant id"Sending error response");
message: this._message

get preview() {
return {
body: {
message: this._message
status: this._code,

module.exports = ErrorResponseHandler;

Once created, you could register your new Variant Handler using the configuration file:

// mocks.config.js

const ErrorResponseHandler = require("./ErrorResponseHandler");

module.exports = {
variantHandlers: {
register: [ErrorResponseHandler],
server: {
port: 3100,

You can also add Route Handlers programmatically using the core.variantHandlers.register method

And then, you could use the new variant type when defining route variants:

// mocks/routes/users.js

module.exports = [
id: "get-users",
url: "/api/users",
method: "GET",
variants: [
id: "error-400",
type: "error", // id of the handler to be used
options: { // options that the handler will receive
code: 400,
message: "Error message",
id: "empty",
type: "json", // This one will use the "json" handler
options: {
status: 200,
body: []